Arkholme Church of England Primary School

“Accept others (especially those who are different from you) for the glory of God because Christ accepted you and all peoples for the glory of God” (Romans 15,5:7)

At Arkholme School we cherish and nurture every child. Our preferred use of language is “Personalised Learning” as each and every child is different and deserves the very best our talented and committed staff can give. From those who have extra challenges in their lives right through to those who perhaps excel at a particular subject or sport.

We recognise the extra challenges and needs that come with children who experience difficulties and we have a wholly inclusive approach, working closely with parents to ensure we are all helping their child to learn and grow in the very best of environments. We are flexible in our approach and firmly believe that parents know their child best and the key to success is to listen to each other and work together as a cohesive team around the child.

All our children are helped to understand the ethos of “inclusion” and there is a real team spirit within our children to ensure that no one gets left behind.

Our SENCO is Mrs. Emma Muckalt
Our SEN/Inclusion Governor is Mr. Chris Reddy

You can find additional information on our ‘Personalised Learning’ page.

“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what he cannot do” (Temple Grandid, Autistic author)

Please access our Local Offer below

LCC Local Offer website

Our SEN Policy can be found here 

January 2024 local offer

March 2024 SEND information Report

Here are some links to useful websites

Ambitious about Autism

Anna Freud – promoting self regulation skills – EYFS

Lancaster District Directory