Arkholme Church of England Primary School

Our nursery is part of our EYFS unit. We have an exciting and engaging learning environment. Our nursery sessions are led by a qualified teacher and nursery leader. Our sessions run on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 09:00 until 15:30.
The nursery and reception children work together as one class. This enables a very smooth transition into school for the reception children.
We take children from the term after they are 3 years old and offer free places using the 15 or 30 hours nursery entitlement. Children start in either September, January or April. We welcome visits and please contact school if you would like more information.

Funded places for 3 year olds
As a maintained  nursery we can now offer free places for 3 year olds from the term in which they turn 3, if they meet the following criteria –

Also children who live with in the administrative boundary of Lancashire County Council includes children described as –