Arkholme Church of England Primary School

Welcome to Puffins, our Early Years Foundation Unit.

Our teachers are Mrs Muckalt and Mrs Harrison. Mrs Roden is our Nursery leader. We have full time Reception children and part time Nursery children – Nursery is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9.00 – 3.30pm. 

We have regular Forest School session where we learn about the woods and new skills like using tools and staying safe around the campfire.

We have an inspiring new learning environment and our teachers plan lots of exciting learning opportunities for us. We learn through play and lots of hands on experiences both indoors and outdoors.

You can read lots more useful information about Puffin Class here

creating fairy houses

The children put their designs into practice and created their own fairy gardens in our outside area.

designing fairy houses

The children have been designing their own fairy houses.


Puffins have been creating their own bonfires made from brightly coloured paper.

Autumnal artwork

Puffin class have been very busy collecting nature items relating to autumn and creating artwork with them.


We spent an amazing day at Brockhole where Louise shared ‘The Leaf Thief’ story with us. We went looking and collecting leaves whilst following a fairy trail. After our picnic lunch, we all made a bug hotel then used our collected leaves to print with. We rounded the day off with a celebratory ice cream and a play on the adventure playground!

Vegetable soup

We prepped our vegetables, making sure that we washed them properly then practiced our cutting and paring skills. Whilst our soup was cooking, we baked bread to eat with it then we all enjoyed a lovely bowl of healthy vegetable soup!

McMillan cake sale

We baked and decorated biscuits for our coffee and cake sale in aid of McMillan Cancer Care. For this special event, we wore our best sparkly clothes and even had a Dough Disco. We raised £400.00!

trip to booths

We wrote a list of ingredients we would need to make vegetable soup and took our lists and collected all our ingredients in our trolleys. We then heard from Emma the store manager about where the vegetables came from. We know they come from local farms. We then bought our vegetables and Gaynor let us have a go weighing and scanning our shopping. What an amazing trip! 

all about me

Puffins have been looking carefully at themselves and have used these observations to paint their own portraits.

I am special

We have created a wonderful display of Puffin handprints for our RE topic, ‘I Am Special’.

leaf rubbings

We used crayons and paints to create our beautiful autumnal works of art.