Welcome to our Christian Community
At Arkholme Church of England Primary School, we foster and promote a warm family ethos which nurtures our young people’s awe and wonder for God’s world. Our unique Christian identity encourages all pupils to hold a strong sense of mutual respect, care and responsibility. At the same time, our pupils learn the importance of collaborating with others and of contributing to the wider community. Each half term we focus on one of the school’s Christian values of friendship, forgiveness, honesty, peace, love, respect, thankfulness, generosity and trust.

We enjoy a daily act of Collective Worship, as well as links with our local church, St. John the Baptist, Arkholme. The Church has connections with three other parishes in the Lune Valley benefice at Whittington, Gressingham and Hornby, and the pupils of the school also enjoy visits to St. Michael the Archangel Church at Whittington. We attend services at St. John the Baptist at key points in the year, including Harvest Festival and, also when learning about the Church. We also actively study different faiths, which enables our pupils to develop a strong understanding of our multi-cultural society.

Our RE Team of KS2 pupils are ambassadors for the provision and discussion of religious issues and education in school.

The Sunday Service at Saint John the Baptist, Arkholme is at 9:30am – check the weekly bulletin for details and occasional variations
Rev. Lucie Lunn is the vicar of the four parishes